Work Styles in Modern Enterprises

The world is changing, is becoming more digitalized and connected, and so is the modern workplace.

Plantronics – manufacturer for audio communications equipment - came to us with the intention to conduct a segmentation study to find out how modern workers do their work, what kind of work styles there are, and in which ways people incorporate (audio) technology into their daily work routines.

The study, which was a refresh of an initial segmentation study we conducted in 2013, surveyed over 4000 respondents, and involved app-based and phone-based interviews. It identified 7 key work styles (2 new ones compared to the initial study) that combined cover 91% of the work styles found in a typical enterprise.

One of these seven segments is called the “Office Warrior”. People from this segment are based in an office, but only spend half of the time at their desks, moving from conference room to conference room, or chatting to co-workers in the hallway. Office warriors seek to stay connected everywhere and at all time. Consequentially, they need reliable audio equipment to do their job. Disruptions and a lack of privacy are the biggest challenges to their work style.

Find out about all seven segments and their working needs here.


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