Factworks Learns how to Survive in the Woods

During this year’s summer team event, we followed the instructors from SurviCamp into the woods to learn how to survive even the most extreme situations.

Under these “dangerous” conditions, we did not only strengthen our teamwork, but also learned how to build a shelter, light a fire with a flintstone and how to shoot ourselves a nice deer - or an apple for the vegetarians among us - for dinner using bow and arrow.
And to top it all off, the instructors taught us the right way to grill a grasshopper (and if those who tried them is to be believed they taste kind of like chicken…).

But as not all of us were so keen on eating insects, we ended our team day with a lavish barbeque, cakes and one or two bottles of fine wine.

Throughout the day we got dirty, we got lost, we received minor injuries, we unleashed our inner pyromaniacs while kindling with fire, and cloaked ourselves in so much smoke that it would have sufficed for a rock concert.

All in all, it was hot, exhausting, and a whole lot of fun!


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