A Merry Little Christmas Party

Santa Clause is coming to town! Which means it is time for Factworks’ annual Christmas party!

Even though we had rain instead of snow and it was the beginning and not the end of December, we still had ourselves a merry little party.
And having the party early on was entirely calculated, because we knew if we celebrated on Christmas itself Santa would have been too busy to come. But thanks to our strategic planning, he made time to visit and celebrate with us.

We offered him a cozy spot in our yurt right by the fire, gave him food and drinks and in return Santa brought us lots of presents and poems (some were real masterpieces).

So, we enjoyed a lovely night, had a few drinks, and even more to eat. But as we are young and active (and had to burn the calories we just consumed), we couldn’t let the evening end without a fierce Eisstock tournament.  

With this in mind, we wish you all a joyful and happy Holiday season!


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